Prudish And Shrinking

Moderator: Karen Middleton • Paul Dalgarno and Graeme Turner

12.30 PM – 1.30 PM
Senate Chamber
Museum of Australian Democracy

It’s a tenacious gap in the Australian psyche: the gap between who we think we are, and who we really are. In this state-of-the-nation conversation, we take a good, long look at ourselves in the cultural mirror.


PAUL DALGARNO is the author of four books: And You May Find Yourself (2015); Poly (2020); A Country of Eternal Light (2023); and Prudish Nation (2023).


GRAEME TURNER AO is Professor Emeritus of Cultural Studies at the University of Queensland, Australia. One of the founding figures of media and cultural studies in Australia, he has been writing about Australian media, culture and society for many years, with a continuing focus on the idea of the nation. He has published over twenty-nine books, the most recent of which is The Shrinking Nation (2023).


KAREN MIDDLETON is chief political correspondent for The Saturday Paper and author of two books, An Unwinnable War: Australia in Afghanistan and Albanese: Telling it Straight. Karen has worked in the Canberra press gallery since 1989 and served as its president for four years. An experienced television, radio and newspaper commentator, she appears regularly on the ABC’s Insiders and Network Ten’s The Project. She is a freelance contributor to ABC radio, Monocle 24 Radio UK and Radio New Zealand and is based in Canberra.