Vengeance Is Mine

Moderator: Alice Grundy • Zöe Coyle and Sarah Smith

10.30 AM – 11.30 AM
Kambri Cultural Centre (ANU)

A wakeful ghost tries to solve her own murder from beyond the grave. A betrayed wife, tired of broken promises, decides to teach the feckless men in her orbit a lesson.

Revenge is a dish best served...on the page. Two dark and delicious new novels of women provoked.


Pilot Light Founder and Director ZOE COYLE, is an author, leadership facilitator, and communications training leader, with experience that spans 20 years. Zoe is globally regarded in the corporate, government and not-for-profit sectors for her work in creating transformational change. She is one of Asia Pacific’s leading facilitators of Dr Brené Brown’s Dare to Lead™ Programme and a sought after public speaker on leadership and human connection.


SARAH SMITH has had a long career in TV drama as a creator, writer, producer, and showrunner. Her many credits include Amazing Grace, Bite Club, Love Child, House of Bond, The Killing Field, Winter, Dripping in Chocolate, Wild Boys and McLeod’s Daughters. She is currently developing new shows and writing her second novel.


ALICE GRUNDY has been a book editor for the past fifteen years and is completing a PhD at ANU. Her thesis is the basis for a minigraph, Editing Fiction: Three cases studies from postwar Australia published by Cambridge University Press and her reviews and essays have appeared in the Sydney Review of Books, The Conversation and The Canberra Times.