How Men Came To Rule

A National Press Club Address By Angela Saini

11.30 AM – 1.30 PM
National Press Club of Australia

When did gendered oppression begin? What fuels and feeds the patriarchal beast? Drawing on her bold new book, The Patriarchs, award-winning British journalist, Angela Saini, imagines the future we could build if we demolished the myth of male domination. A radically optimistic call to arms.

Presented in conjunction with Harper Collins and The Wheeler Centre


ANGELA SAINI is an award-winning British journalist and author based in New York. She presents radio and television programmes, and her writing has appeared in National Geographic, New Scientist, and Wired. Her latest book The Patriarchs: How Men Came to Rule was published in spring 2023, and is a finalist for the Orwell Prize for Political Writing. Her last two books Superior: The Return of Race Science and Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong have been translated into fourteen languages and are on university reading lists across the world. As the founder and chair of the 'Challenging Pseudoscience' group at the Royal Institution, Angela researches and campaigns around issues of misinformation and disinformation.